Hello everyone! So I woke up this afternoon around 3. Solid 7 hours of sleep, not bad after a night shift! I started off reading blog updates and everyone seemed to be posting about pancakes! Obviously this was the perfect choice to start my night off with! I took a recipe from the Hungry Girl book 200 Under 200. It was called "out-rageous chocolate chip pancake minis". I changed it though so they weren't chocolate chip at all. I also made some field-berry topping for them. I also had 3 egg whites with some ketchup and 3 strawberries just because the plate would've looked too empty without em! Here they are! The pics don't really do them justice though because I am definetely not a photographer!!
To make the pancakes I used: 3 tbsp oats, 2 egg whites, 3 tbsp whole-wheat flour, 1 tbsp skim milk, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 1/8 tsp baking soda, some agave nectar to sweeten and a dash of salt. Mixed it all up and made 2 pancakes. I love Hungry Girl recipes because they're super fast and easy to make and extremely delicious!! Check them out at http://www.hungrygirl.com/!! The field berry topping was a wing it recipe. I just put 1 cup of frozen field-berry mix into a bit of water and simmered. I used a fork to break apart the raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. Spooned it onto the pancakes and then drizzled them with agave nectar. This meal was soooooo good! I was so proud of myself because usually after working two night shifts I don't really want to do anything except sleep.
After the berry delish meal I got ready for work and headed out the door. I decided my car really needed to be washed since I haven't washed it since before I went to Cancun (which was Feb 13th!)! And when I say wash my car I really mean drive it through the car wash! I love going through the car wash except one thing: my XM radio cuts out every time Im in there! Sooo I needed music bad! I turned on a CD I had in there and it turned out to be T Swift! Fell in love allll over again! I decided to listen to it all the way to work and will probably have it on in my car for a while!
So work, work, work! I got there and immediately dreaded coming because we were short 2/4 nurses! UGHHHH!! Is all I thought! But thank god they quickly found replacements and the night is going actually quite well!
I packed another monstrous lunch but have managed to eat pretty much all of it! Im saving the best for last: a Kashi dark chocolate cherry granola bar! It's not in the pic because I grabbed it last minute (good thinking on my part : )!!)
Yep so there it is! I had the oranges on my first break and the roasted chickpeas (still one of my fav things ever!! what a find!) on my second break which was around 10:30. At about 1:30 I was getting hungry again so decided to have my lunch: honey-balsamic chicken that I made last week and froze so I could take to work. It is soooo good!! Here it is:
It's a very simple recipe! Just a chicken breast sprinkled with thyme, salt and pepper and pan fried. When the chicken is done you put 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar and 2 tbsp honey in the pan on low heat. Stir that constantly for about a minute until it thickens up and pour over chicken. I served this on brown rice and poured the sauce over that too! It is honestly the best chicken I've ever had!!
After the chicken I had my mixed veggies (tomatoes, cucumbers, snap peas, red peppers & celery) with a bit of light ranch dip. I also had the banana bread for dessert!! Around 4 I sliced up my banana and added it to the diced strawberries and fat-free plain yogurt (this will never get old!! Cant get enough of fruit and yog!) As a pick me up around 6 I'll probably have my Kashi bar cause that's when things get a little crazy around this place!!
So enough of work and eats: my Flyers won tonight!!! Wooo Wooo Wooo!!! They beat the Leafs 3-1! I wish I wasnt working so I could've watched it but oh well! I like bugging some of the people I work with and residents because a lot of them like the Leafs so it's nice to gloat once in a while!! Philly's on a good strong playoff run and despite what people tell me over and over they will make the playoffs for sure! No doubt in this girl's mind! And honestly if they dont make it i don't know what I'd do the whole playoff season! I'd just be waaaaaayyyy too sad!! But no point in thinking that way because they will obviously make it hands down!!!
Alright well this has been a great blog I think! I better get some more studying done! Ugh! Only about 48 more hours til my final! I see some major cramming in the very near future! Goodnight!!
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